
30 facts about me
30 facts about me

30 facts about me

#17: Masquerading as a simple musical instrument, the piano actually has more than 12,000 parts. #16: The melody of “ Happy birthday to you” is known to be copied from the song “Good morning to All”, composed by Patty Smith Hill and Mildred Jane Hill in 1893. #15: Around seven orchestra groups from London arranged an orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall on for courageous musicians on the Titanic, 40 days after the sheep sank. This script was used to devise many other languages too. #14: The earliest musical notations are believed to be based on an ancient cuneiform script developed by Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. #13: Thermin, the uncommon musical instrument, invented by Leon Theremin in 1928, can be controlled without any physical contact. The performance lasted for 5 days and around 101 hours, 59 minutes and 15 seconds.

30 facts about me

#12: The longest marathon karaoke ever was attempted by Leonardo Polverelli in Italy on. #11: World’s longest piece of music is LIVE and will end in the year 2640 These signals were processed in the software to produce desired sounds. #10: Intel powered smart music wristbands converted their hand gestures into music signals. This album was popularized by National Geographic magazine by distributing it along with the magazine. #9: Marine Scientist, Roger Payne once recorded an album titled “Songs of the Humpback Whale”. #8: The oldest known musical instrument is a set of bone flutes excavated from Geißenklösterle Cave in the Swabian Jura of southern Germany. #7: All the musicians in an orchestra have to tune their musical instruments to Stuttgart pitch at 440 Hz, the frequency of the musical note A4 on a standard 88 key piano. #6: Telharmonium is an earliest known music synthesizer or “musical telegraph” that laid the foundation of modern day synthesizers. Knowledge of music is like that mighty ocean formed with small raindrops accumulated over a period of time through water flowing from mountains and rivers – finally ending journey into the sea. #4: Seikilos epitaph (The Song of Seikilos) is believed to be the oldest known music composition that survived in its entirety. #3: The Nokia tune is probably the most popular ringtone inspired from a music composition called Gran Vals composed by a Spanish composer – Francisco Tarrega. #2: Jingle Bells was first song to be performed in the outer space by Astronauts, Walter Schirra and Tom Stafford using harmonica and bell (first musical instruments to be carried in space) on Gemini 6 in December 1965. He wrote his first symphony music at the age of 8 while an Opera at the age of 11. #1: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed over 600 pieces during his lifetime including his first opera written at the age of eleven. Here’s list of interesting facts about music extracted from my existing blogs in the series 100-day music blogging challenge. Read interesting facts about music, I learned halfway during my 100-day music blogging challenge.

30 facts about me